Prof. Dr. Tabinda Rana
Ex-Dean of Surgery & Surgical Allied King Edward Medical University Chairperson & Head of Dept. Obstetrics & Gynecology King Edward Medical University (KEMU) & Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan.
- 1987 College of physicians & Surgeons Pakistan FCPS
- 1983 College of physicians & Surgeons Pakistan MCPS
- 1980 Fatima Jinnah Medical College Lahore Pakistan MBBS
Professional Career
- [2001 to present] Prof of Gyn&ObsKEMU Lahore. Academic, clinical and administrative duties
- [1994 to 2001] Associate Prof Fatima Jinnah Medical College Lahore Pakistan.
- [1987 to 1994] Assistant Prof Allama lqbal Medical Colleg Lahore Pakistan.
- [1986 to 1987] Senior Registrar Lahore General Hospital Lahore Pakistan.
- [1982 to 1986] Registrar LadyAitchisonHospita Lahore Pakistan
- [1980 to 1982] House Job and Registrar Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore Pakistan
Professional Experience
- Fellow of College of Physician & Surgeons Pakistan
- Member of College of Physician & Surgeons Pakistan
- Member of Association of Fatima Jinnah Old Graduates Lahore
- Member of FICS (USA)
- Executive Member of Society of Obstetrics &Gynaecology Pakistan (SOGP)
Teaching Experience
- Examiner and paper setter FCPS,MCPS,IMM,DGO.MS Obstetrics &Gynecology
- Examiner internal and external final professional MBBS.
- Supervisor for FCPS, MCPS, MS.
- Guide for research work and dissertation writing
- Ex Project director for UNICEF Punjab Thallasamia preventive program.
- In charge colposcopy unit LWHLahore.
- Teaching and training of under graduate and post graduate students.
- Visiting consultant of DHQ hospitals. Affliated to KEMU
Workshops & Conferences
- Participated in 17tl’ Biennial International Scientific Conference SOGP 23111 To 2 5′” Feb 2018 Karachi
- Participated in 5 days training workshop IVF& ET NOV 2017 organised by Galaxy Pharma in Karachi
- Let’s join our hands to Improve Women Health ” SOGP 2016 1l-13th
- Seminar in Bhurban with Abbot 17-18th .March 2016 delivered State of the art lecture on “Changing trends in Endometriosis treatment”
- Familycon conference 12-14th Feb 2016
- Preconference workshop in Lady Willingdon Hospital conducted & arranged
- Advance life support in Obstetrics International provider course -16-17th
- Annual Scientific Symposium KEMU 22-23rd Dec 2014
- CME Seminar in collaboration of Agha Khan University 27th May 2014
- “Bridging the gaps in women health issues” SOGP 5_7th Decem ber 2014
- Hands on workshop in diagnostic & Operative Hysterectomy 2-3rd June
- Changing trend in Family Planning PPIUCD 17-18th Decem ber 2012
- Cervical Screening and hands on Colposcopy Workshop 29th December
- Community oriented Medical Education KEMU November 2007
- Active management of 3rd stage of Labor 1-3rdFebruary 2007
- International workshop on Urogynecology
- 10th Biennial conference “In women Health Awareness” SOGP 24- 26th
- Gynea expert forum with Novartis in Bhurban25-27thJune 2005
- Scientific Biennial Conference SOGP (paper presentation) October
- Performance based assessment CPSP in collaboration WHO 2003
Seminars and Workshops Organized
- 2006 International workshop on’Urogynaecology
- 2011 Basic skills in colposcopy
- 2013 Changing trends in family planning PPIUCD
- 2014 Hands on workshop on diagnosti and operative hysteroscopy
- 2016 Surgical skills hands on workshop
- 2016 Colposcopy workshop
Ongoing Research
Role of fetal scalp blood sampling and CTG in perinatal outcome. at Lady Willingdon Hospital
- Rupture uterus , A study of 40 cases in LGH Pakistan Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993
- Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Gynaecology Pakistan Journal of obstetrics & Gynaecology 1993
- Induced Septic abortion:A study of 180 cases inPakistan Journal of obstetrics & services hospital LahoreGynaecology 1993
- Laparoscopy versus laparotomy in treatment of Annals,Vol.11 4 Oct-Dec 2005 Benign ovarian cyst.
- Vaginal prostaglandin E2 pessary versus gel in,Induction of Labor at term. the AnnalsVol .11 Oct – Dec2005
- Medical intervention in adolescent menorrhagia Annals VOL.11 Issue 4 Oct-Dec 2005
- A risk factor for congenital malformationBiomedicaVol.22 Jan – June 2006
- This is high time to look into peripubetal ovarian tumors Annals Vol 16 July-Sep 2010
- Fetomatemal outcome in pregnancies complicated with placental abruption Pakistan Journal of med A &Health Sciences.ISSN 1996-7195. Vol 5 January-March 2011.
- A rare case of abdominal mass with 24 weeks pregnancy Pakistan Journal of med A & Health Sciences. ISSN 1996-7195. Vol 5 January-March 2011.
- Three year audit of emergency peri-partum hysterectomy at Lady Willingdon Hospital Lahore. Pakistan Journal of Med &HealhSiences ISSN 1996- 7195. Vol 5 Oct-Dec 2011